Fourth of July, Powerful

Fourth of July, Powerful, originally uploaded by blue_j.
Every year i do this.
I walk up and down Front Beach and wait for the firework display to start, then.. as soon as I hear the first "kaboom", I turn and walk towards the jedi.. towards the firemen's base of operations.. towards the explosions.
I stop walking only when I get so close that I fear for my own saftey (not from the fire.. but from the rising tide). Then I stand, and I watch as the fireworks go all around me.
It's one thing to see the fireworks in the air.. but to hee them go off directly above you.. or behind you.. to watch as their still-burning embers fall beside you.. that's another thing all together.
Two years i did this, in front of the whole county, but alone.
The third year, I was followed.
The one child on the left, in the tattered tee-shirt. I know he feels exactly like I felt my first time.
This is My Favorite Photo.
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