Sunday, October 31, 2004


Scary!, originally uploaded by blue_j.

A very scary pic of me taken with my old Kensington VideoCam

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Misty Days in Crescent City

Misty Days in Crescent City, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Summer of 2001. I remember this morning: The sky was overcast and mist hung low, thick, along the ground like snow in the distance.

Snapshot taken of the road alongside Pyke Field. Crescent City, California

Friday, October 29, 2004

Beachfront Park, The Sky Above

Beachfront Park, The Sky Above, originally uploaded by blue_j.

The view of the sky above Beachfront Park as Friday Night Live kids huddle together to plan. Taken in late afternoon, Summer 2001, Crescent City, California.

I'd swear I took this pic while jumping.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Shadows in a Bathroom, the Tub

Shadows in a Bathroom, the Tub, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Summer 2001. Again, I just really liked the lighting in here.

What?? It's not like I took photos of the Toilet!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Shadows in a Bathroom, Partials

Shadows in a Bathroom, Partials, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Having fun taking pictures in the light of the upstairs bathroom of my old house in Crescent City. Note how I accidently caught myself in the mirror.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Beachfront Park, Tree by the Gazeebo

Beachfront Park, Tree by the Gazeebo, originally uploaded by blue_j.

A snapshot of a small tree behind the Gazeebo in Beachfront Park. Taken in late afternoon, Summer 2001, Crescent City, California.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Grad Night, Happy Brianne

Grad Night, Happy Brianne, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Brianne looks like a gleeful 4-year-old in this picture.

We should all have a picture of ourselves like that.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Kashmiri's Penguin Doodle

Kashmiri's Penguin Doodle, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Something Kashmiri doodled on my paper during Phonology. Fall 2004.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Portrait of America: Welcome Home

Portrait of America: Welcome Home, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Waiting outside the airport shortly after landing on American soil, I spotted this ashtray and felt at home.

..mostly because the british drink their soda from smaller cans.. based on the metric system.

freaky brits.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

On the flight from England

On the flight from England, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Looking down on a frozen river, somewhere over the US. Fall 2000

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Gloucester Cathedral, Silhouetted

Gloucester Cathedral, Silhouetted, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Yet another amazing picture of the Cathedral. I love the power of the sky behind it, as well as the framing of the trees.

(Look at me, talking like I might know something about photography :) )

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

England, Sunset

England, Sunset, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Just Beautiful

Monday, October 18, 2004

England, Peace

England, Peace, originally uploaded by blue_j.

As the madrigals walk through a city in England, I notice a wonderfully simple bit of graffiti.

(As much as I love this pic, I really think that umbrella draws too much focus. Oh well)

Saturday, October 16, 2004

England, Thatched Blurrs

England, Thatched Blurrs, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Photo of two thatched-roof houses taken from a moving bus. Fall 2000

This one was on my desktop for a while.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Gloucester Cathedral, A Bust

Gloucester Cathedral, A Bust, originally uploaded by blue_j.

I vaugely recall this bust being of an important man at Gloucester Cathedral, but I do not remember who it was.

Excellent Craftmanship, though. I almost expect him to start talking.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

London, Moving Lights 3

London, Moving Lights 3, originally uploaded by blue_j.

I'm pretty sure this is where are tour-lady rather drolly described the grand arch, then enthusiastically informed us that this is the place where the character Spike was directing traffic in the movie "Notting Hill".

Tour guides must be pretty proud of that movie over there.

On the streets of london, fall 2000

I don't know what it is about streaks and blurs in snapshots that I love so much.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

London, Steeple and Trees

London, Steeple and Trees, originally uploaded by blue_j.

outside St. Mary Abbots Church, London, fall 2000.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

UK, Sunny Silhouette

UK, Sunny Silhouette, originally uploaded by blue_j.

I'm not use if this was sunrise or sunset... I'll say sunrise.

Come to think of it, this might be a shot of my host-family's home as we were driving away, but I it's been so long... "I guess we'll never know."

Dang it, why didn't I upload these into flickr back in 2000?

Monday, October 11, 2004

On the flight to England 1

On the flight to England 1, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Somewhere over the coast of the UK, fall 2000.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

UK, Wet Windows

UK, Wet Windows, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Photo taken from the inside of a bus parked in a parking lot shortly after a light rain.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

UK, Sleepy Sunset

UK, Sleepy Sunset, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Photo of sunset taken on charter bus somewhere in England, Fall 2000. Light from the sunset is shining on DeShon's face.

London, moving lights 2

London, moving lights 2, originally uploaded by blue_j.

It almost looks like graphiti.

London, moving lights 1

London, moving lights 1, originally uploaded by blue_j.

A beautiful accident.

In London, night

In London, night, originally uploaded by blue_j.

This is supposeddly a big, impressive, famous famous place in London, but being the uncultured american that I am, coupled with the fact I was only passing by, I do not know what this is.

Pretty though.

UPDATE: It's the Royal Albert Hall. Thank's mshoff

Glare at Kashmiri

Glare at Kashmiri, originally uploaded by blue_j.

Outside Cowell, UCSC. The title is a PUN. The photo is a STOLEN. (c) KKMSN

A Photoblog. Why? Because.

Why do I, of all people, need a photoblog? I don't even have a digital camera.

Well, I love taking photos. It's as simple as that.

I don't have a darkroom or a telephoto lens. I've never taken classes on artistic methods of photography. I just love snapshots.

If you see me walking down the street, chances are I have a camera on me.. Something simple, maybe something disposable. But something, just in case I happen upon something beautiful.

And that happens more often than you'd expect.

That said, this blog will likley be little more than an extension of my flickr account. I'll update this blog via flickr with every real gem I come across. For now, i'll sift through my stream and post the cream of the crop so far. New Pics, btw, won't be added for a while.. I've already reached my 10MB upload limit for October.

So, see ya 'round.
Also, there's still my other blog: [as yet untitled][2]